(917) 710-7578 Psychotherapy hzl@allbluescounseling.com
Howard Z. Lorber, LcswPsychotherapist & Anthropologist
Individual and Couple Psychotherapy for Adults
Professional Supervision and Workshops
Computer Training and Office Automation Consultation
Consulting and Specialty Services for Business
Specialized Treatment for Creative People & Alternative Lifestyles
Q & A, Stories of those I've helped and Technical writings
I originally trained & worked as an Anthropologist before re-training to become a Psychotherapist. My work facilitates a person's location in the world of everyday life and in their own history. I have worked extensively to reduce unproductive conflict in individuals, couples and small groups & businesses (I've even treated a rock & roll group's rehearsal conflicts). As an anthropologist, I am sensitive to and respectful of alternative cultures, lifestyles and beliefs as well as cross-cultural assimilation struggles. After all, one culture's "magical thinking" is another's access to the world; one person's "distortion" is another's central organizing principle. I work with abusers and the abused -- physical, sexual and emotional -- as well as victims of incest, assault and loss of freedom for political, social & other beliefs and lifestyles. My style is centered on the needs of the person(s) with me and on facilitating their life's journey.
"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."
Ursula K. Le Guin
In view of the powerful events experienced in the USA on 11 September, 2001, I've included a new article in the Writings section. It is entitled Coping With Powerful Events.
211 West 56th Street, 16H, New York, NY 10019
(917) 710-7578 hzl@allbluescounseling.com
License: LCSW R-035068-1
Treatment Specialties
Individual Issues:
Couple Issues:
Additional Specialty Issues:
For those in the arts:
Alternative lifestyles:
Specialties for Clinicians
Psychoanalytic Supervision:
British Object Relations with emphasis on Fairbairn, Guntrip and Winnicott. Issues of countertransference. Also emphasized are impact of cultural and historical processes on individuals treated and treatment personnel.
Domestic Violence, Family Conflict Supervision:
Dynamics of conflict and violence, legal issues, safety issues, report writing for courts & agencies. Practice issues for private and small group practitioners: insurance, safety, confidentiality and the law.
Cross-cultural Psychotherapy:
Dynamics of culture and personality, issues of assimilation, disentangling culturally appropriate behavior from another cultural context from the neurotic/psychotic spectrum in our American context. Working with myths, folk tales and legends: psychotherapist as anthropologist with a village of one or with a small group.
Computer Training and Office Automation Consultation
Individual andCouple Psychotherapy for Adults
Professional Supervision and Workshops
Computer Training and Office Automation Consultation
Consulting and Specialty Services for Business
Specialized Treatment for Creative People & Alternative Lifestyles
Howard Z. Lorber, Lcsw
Psychotherapist & Anthropologist
211 West 56th Street, 16H, New York, NY 10019
(917) 710-7578 hzl@allbluescounseling.com
Named Artwork © by Howard Z. Lorber